Unholy Trinity
Fueled by immense hatred, flames engulf within me,
Such small issues and look what they have done to you?
You don't care about people you just worship someone,
Its the disguise of your dark within, cared by nobody.
Now I am at the crossroads, what shall I do?
Because I know how bad I can be, I can do,
After all, I am you in a different body,
Don't they say 'Who the father, that the son'
Now I realize, certain things have supposed meanings,
Unlike you I have a family to care.
Now this and after that then what, where is the end to it?
All is pointless, you refuse to make sense to it.
East and west, telling me what to do,
trapped between choices, left with no paths.
So I call it now, bring it on you filthy bastard,
I am no afraid of you but you shall be from me!
Your stubbornness, guiding me to heaven,
Maybe its you who is at the steps of hell,
Now I am at the limbo,
Funny how other worlds are affect by the decisions I make here on earth.
Hem mürit hem bir hoca,
Kendi inancında kaybolmuş bir terzisin sen.
İnsanları ve inancı kılıf olarak gösteren,
Kendi gözünde eşrefi mahlukat, benim gözümde insan müsveddesi.
Hoş, insanlar hep güleryüzünü tebessümünü görür,
Bizim gördüğümüz suratsa SS subayının yahudi görmesinden farksız.
İnsanları cennete götüreceğini düşündüğün inatçılığın,
Cehennemin ayaklarına götürüyor, dön arkana bak!
Bugün şu yarın bu öteki gün ne olacak, sonlanacak mı bu arkası bitmez isteklerin?
İlgileniyormuş gibi girdiğin acınası haller, asıl ben sana acıyorum.
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